
We still have a couple of spaces in our Nursery and Reception classes for the 24-25 Academic year. For enquiries to join our Nursery, please contact the school office. For enquiries for Reception, please contact

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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Leave of Absence

Covid 19 attence guidance


Woodlands staff work hard to make every minute count at school and believe that every lesson can change a child's life. For that impact to take place, pupils must attend school regularly.

Periods of absence are harmful to a child’s education and need to be kept to a minimum.  If your child is absent it is important that you notify the school by telephone on the first day of absence and on subsequent days.  In addition, a note of explanation is required on the day of return to school. Our attendance policy clearly outlines our expectations and the systems in place to ensure every child has the opportunity to attend school regularly. This can be found in the policy section of this website or from the school office.


For visits to a dentist or doctor during school time, we need either a letter or telephone call to keep us informed. We ask that these visits take place outside of school where possible. If your child has to go out of school during the day, then he or she must be collected from school via the secretary’s office by a parent.  



Although we do the best we can, there is no comfortable, quiet place for children to rest in school.  In cases where we suspect illness, parents are contacted.  Please advise us of any change of telephone number or place to contact you in the event of an emergency.


In cases where the child has been sick or had diarrhoea, please keep him/her at home for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.  It is easy for infection to spread in school unless we are all prepared to take care.  We do this in the best interest of all children. Shown below is a table with suggested times for keeping your child away from school if he/she has any of these illnesses.


Infectious Disease

At Home For



German Measles

Scarlett Fever


Whooping Cough

Impetigo/Scabies/Ringworm Verrucae

5 days from appearance of rash

4 days from appearance of rash

6 days from appearance of rash

2 days (after starting anti biotic treatment)

5 days after onset of swelling

5 days from starting anti biotic treatment of cough


Until treatment has been carried out



Our policy is to administer medicine prescribed by a doctor where the dose is required during school hours or where illness, such as asthma, requires daily/occasional medication. Medication must be brought to the school secretary who will ask you to complete a form allowing the school to administer the medication.  Any over the counter medicines will be kept in the office and children will administer this themselves, in the office, under supervision. Lip balms must be kept in children's book bags and used only if needed.



We understand that holidays are great tools for creating learning opportunities and memories! However, in line with Government recommendations, we do not expect children to be taken out of school for holidays in term time. All parents, who wish to take a holiday in term time must complete a request form (available in the school office).  The request will be reviewed by the Headteacher and will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.


Woodlands Infant School is very conscious of the pressure on families and the fact that holidays are much cheaper in term time. However, teachers are also aware of the impact on children’s learning and friendships when they are absent from school.     

Please see the document below regarding attendance/leave of absence and lateness. Please note if your child arrives after 9.00am, they will be marked as late. If they arrive after 9.15am it will qualify as unauthorised absence.

LOA request form

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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