
SCHOOL TOURS WITH MR WATERS - We warmly invite parents of prospective pupils to come and meet us and to look around our thriving school. Our next tours with availability are on Friday 29th November at 10.00 am and Thursday 5th December at 9am. You can book on by phoning our school office on 0121 744 2840 or email the office at We look forward to meeting you.

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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Relax Kids

Don't Worry, be Happy: The Relax Kids 21 Day Plan
This programme has been designed to help you improve your child’s anger, general behaviour, concentration, confidence and sleep by using daily relaxation. It is said that it takes 21 days to change a habit or behaviour.

This programme has been designed to be easy, enjoyable and relaxing for all the family. In fact, the more you can relax together, the more your child will enjoy it and find it natural and organic.


Each set of daily tasks are simple and can be completed in a couple of minutes. When the household is calm and happy, the kids are too! Each day comprises of an exercise, an affirmation and my “tip of the day”. The exercises give the children a focus, this might be a visualisation, a stretch or a breathing exercise. The affirmations help them develop their self awareness, confidence and positive outlook and my “tip of the day” can help you maintain a relaxing atmosphere at home. Each week there is an activity for Family Chill Night where the whole family can get together and relax.


This programme is most suitable for children aged 5-9 although children of all ages can enjoy it.

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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