
SCHOOL TOURS WITH MR WATERS - We warmly invite parents of prospective pupils to come and meet us and to look around our thriving school. Our next tours with availability are on Friday 29th November at 10.00 am and Thursday 5th December at 9am. You can book on by phoning our school office on 0121 744 2840 or email the office at We look forward to meeting you.

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

Interactive Bar

School Lunch Menus

All children from Reception to Year Two have access to a free school meal which is cooked and served on the premises. There is a charge for this in Nursery as it is not subsidised by the Government until Reception. There is a ‘cafeteria’ service in the school hall, and children are given a choice of menu at the beginning of each day.  We follow a healthy eating policy, including the use of a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables and wholemeal flour.  We are a nut-free school, this includes chocolate spread.  Please see below the link to access the website for Solihull Catering Services:


You will also be able to find a wealth of information regarding dietary requirements and allergens 


School milk is free to children under 5 years of age however all other children can register to receive it by completing a simple registration form, online through ‘Cool Milk Ltd’.


Drinking water is encouraged throughout the day. The children need to bring a water bottle to school each day and they fill this as soon as they come into the classroom. It is kept in the classroom so that it is available for them to drink from during the day. 

We provide a freshly cooked school dinner for your child and as a healthy school we encourage your child to eat a nutritious balanced meal everyday.  There are three menus served on a  rolling basis - please find them below:

3 week rolling menu April 2024 - October 2024

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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