
We still have a couple of spaces in our Nursery and Reception classes for the 24-25 Academic year. For enquiries to join our Nursery, please contact the school office. For enquiries for Reception, please contact

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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Here at Woodlands, we absolutely love reading! We really look forward to our daily story time sessions and we are so lucky to have access to cosy  well-stocked book corners, which we use daily. We take great pleasure in reading and we really enjoy our visits to the school library. We love answering questions about what we read and discussing and learning the meaning of new words, as this really helps to improve our comprehension skills.


Here are six of the best tips to help your child with reading comprehension:

Understanding what you are reading is just as important as being able to decode the words.  Here are six tips to help your child develop their reading comprehension skills:

  • Ask your child to read aloud. This forces them to go slower and create more time to process what they read. They are not only seeing the words, they are hearing them too. You can also take turns reading aloud.
  • Make sure books aren’t difficult. They should recognise at least 90 percent of the words without any help.
  • Reread to build fluency. To gain meaning from what they have read they need to read quickly and smoothly. Rereading familiar, simple books gives your child practice at becoming more fluent.
  • Talk to a teacher. If your child is struggling, they may need more help with their reading.
  • Supplement class reading. If your child’s class is studying a particular theme, look for easy-to-read books or magazines on the topic.
  • Talk about what they are reading. This helps them think through the themes of the book. Ask questions before, during, and after a session.


1. Children who read often and widely get better at it.

After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything humans do, and reading in no different.


2. Reading exercises our brain.

Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain rather than watching TV, for example. Reading strengthens brains connections and builds NEW connections.


3. Reading improves concentration.

Children have to sit still and quietly so that they can focus on the story when they are reading. If the read often, they will develop the skill to do this for longer.


4. Reading teaches children about the world around them.

Through reading a variety of books children learn about people, places, and events outside of their own experience.


5. Reading improves vocabulary and language skills.

Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking.


6. Reading develops a child's imagination.

As we read our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. While we are engaged in a story we are also imagining how a character is feeling. Young children then bring this knowledge into their everyday play.


7. Reading helps children to develop empathy.

As children develop they begin to imagine how they would feel in that situation.


8. Reading is a fun.

A book or an e-reader doesn't take up much space and is light to carry, so you take it anywhere so you can never be bored if you have a book in your bag.


9. Reading is a great way to spend time together.

Reading together on the sofa, bedtimes stories and visiting the library are just some ways of spending time together.


10. Children who read achieve better in school.

Reading promotes achievement in all subjects, not just English. Children who are good readers tend to achieve better across the curriculum.



Research has found that when a child knows eight or more nursery rhymes by heart, at the age of 4, that they are usually one of the best at reading and spelling in their class by the age of 8! 


90% of our vocabulary comes from reading a wide range of books.

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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