
SCHOOL TOURS WITH MR WATERS - We warmly invite parents of prospective pupils to come and meet us and to look around our thriving school. Our next tours with availability are on Friday 29th November at 10.00 am and Thursday 5th December at 9am. You can book on by phoning our school office on 0121 744 2840 or email the office at We look forward to meeting you.

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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Physical Education at Home

At school and at home we want to encourage you to be as active and healthy as possible. We believe that keeping your bodies healthy through nutrition and exercise helps keep your mind healthy too! We think it is important that you find small ways to add exercise to your daily routine such as walking to school, using different zones on the playground to mix up your play, wake and shake in your classrooms and using the outdoor classroom. At home you can set yourselves fitness challenges, make good use of your outdoor spaces such as family walks, using your garden and/or local parks. Please see below for more ideas and inspiration!

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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