
SCHOOL TOURS WITH MR WATERS - We warmly invite parents of prospective pupils to come and meet us and to look around our thriving school. Our next tours with availability are on Friday 29th November at 10.00 am and Thursday 5th December at 9am. You can book on by phoning our school office on 0121 744 2840 or email the office at We look forward to meeting you.

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

Interactive Bar


We love maths at Woodlands! We will help you to become super mathematicians. This means that you will be resilient, work hard and see maths everywhere! (Can you spot any patterns, numbers or shapes around you now?) We want you to enjoy exploring numbers, shapes and measures and to be excited by solving mathematical problems! We will always help you with things you find tricky and teach you lots of strategies to help you work things out. We will teach you maths every day in lots of different exciting ways using lots of different resources. Sometimes we might do maths when we’re lining up… playing outside or even when we do the register!



Numberblocks Episodes:


Maths Games:


Interactive Games:


There is a very useful 100 square here that can be used to support counting in 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's and 3's (and the rest!)


Home Learning websites are:

Ideas and games linked to the National Curriculum:


Daily lessons for each year group:


A virtual learning website with lessons and ideas:


The Oak Academy website with lessons for all areas of maths for both Key Stage One and Early Years:


Maths Additional Intervention Opportunity

Maths cups and cubes demo for number bonds

Get In Touch

Information Block

Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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