
We still have a couple of spaces in our Nursery and Reception classes for the 24-25 Academic year. For enquiries to join our Nursery, please contact the school office. For enquiries for Reception, please contact

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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Meet Our Team


Mr A Waters - Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Whole School Development

Mrs L Freeman - Deputy Headteacher, Key Stage One Lead, Curriculum Development, English Champion

Mrs H Meehan - Early Years Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Wellbeing Lead, PTA Liaison

Mrs G Knowles - Inclusion Lead (SENDCo, Pupil Premium, LAC and EAL)



Miss B Bleakman - Nursery Teacher, 'The Arts' Champion (Art and D.T.) / Outdoor Learning Champion

Mrs H Meehan - Nursery Teacher, Wellbeing Lead

Mrs N Ellgood - Part Time Reception Teacher,  PSHE Champion

Mrs E Mace - Part Time Reception Teacher, 'Humanities' Champion (Geography and History)

Mrs J McGrath - Additional Teacher, P.E. Champion / Music Champion

Mrs L Sykes - Year One Teacher, Maths Champion

Miss L Lippett - Year One Teacher (maternity cover)

Miss L Hilpert-Smith -  Year Two Teacher, 'The Future' Champion (Science, Computing and German)

Mrs L Freeman - Year Two Teacher, English Champion

Mrs Knowles - Year Two Teacher, Inclusion Lead



Mrs K Jones - Nursery Teaching Assistant, Art Support

Mrs D Bayliss- Nursery Assistant, Wellbeing Team

Miss C Harding- Reception Teaching Assistant, Autism Support

Ms T Harris - Reception Teaching Assistant, Eco Council Lead

Mrs L Spencer - Year One Teaching Assistant, Wellbeing Support

Mrs C Gordhan - Year One Teaching Assistant, Reading for Pleasure Support

Mrs M Ghosh - Year Two Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Support

Mrs S Hirst - Year Two Teaching Assistant, Music Support

Miss K Jones - Learning Support Assistant



Mrs L Harris- Woodlands Childcare Manager and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Walshaw - Woodlands Childcare Playworker, Before school Club Lead Playworker

Mrs D Bayliss - Woodlands Childcare Playworker

Miss K Jones - Woodlands Childcare Playworker

Miss K Walshaw - Woodlands Childcare Playworker


Mrs N Kelly - School Business Manager

Mrs R Johnson - Office Manager

Mr R Cotterill - Site Manager


Mrs J Maund - Cleaner

Mrs R Haden - Cleaner

Mr J Loone - Cleaner


Miss K Jones - Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs H Morgan - Lunchtime Supervisor  

Mrs A Paktharatchagam - Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs F Sultana  - Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs N Hall - Lunchtime Supervisor

Ms A Vickery - Outdoor Playworker


Mrs S Bown - Kitchen Leader (Employed by Solihull Catering Services)

Mr D Wilkes - Cook (Employed by Solihull Catering Services)

Mrs L East - Cook (Employed by Solihull Catering Services)

Get In Touch

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Nightingale Academy

Woodlands Infant School

The best me that I can be!

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