At Woodlands Infant School, we foster a hands-on curiosity for exploration of the world. We strive for the children to develop their ideas and ways of working that will enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through practical investigation. We develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in Science and build on their enthusiasm, encouraging children to ask questions about what they notice and to treat the living and non-living environment with respect.
How we teach Science
Our Science lessons are taught through first-hand experiences using our school grounds and forest school and to work scientifically to develop their scientific understanding. Children are encouraged to be curious and ask questions about what they notice. They are helped to develop their scientific enquiry through observing changes, carrying out simple tests, and finding things out using for example, books, photographs and videos. We encourage our children to use simple scientific language to talk about what they have found out and communicate and record their ideas and findings in a variety of ways. We want our children to develop a real sense of awe and wonder about the world that they live in.
Knowledge Organisers
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Home Learning
Science Experiments -
Science experiments at home are such a great way to get all the family involved in exciting activities and you can all learn together. One activity will leads to another as the children ask more and more questions. Have a look at the websites below for a variety of experiments you could try at home!
We are very lucky as Mrs Ellgood has recorded a variety of Science experiments that you could try at home. Below are a few examples of our most popular ones. Have a look on our YouTube channel for more Science experiment ideas!
What if questions:
Other Science links:
British Science Week Official website:
Home Science Activities:
Interactive Science Games:
Science Museum Group -
NASA science -